Refund Policy
The Short Version
There's none hehe. Means no refund. Not no policy. There's a policy. OK this is longer than it should.
The Not So Short Version
By using our app, you hereby consent to our Refund Policy and agree to its terms.
1. Why no refund
For Paddle—which is the only payment provider available in my country—a cancellation of a subscription doesn't stop the subscription right away. You can still use your subscription until its original expiry date. This makes giving refunds hard to happen, especially on yearly plans.
kindaVim is usuable in the afternoons and at night without a License indefinitely, so best is to try it first! If you want a License but you're not sure about the long term, opt for the Monthly Sub. If kindaVim is ultimately not for you then you've lost USD$3.28 lol. You'll survive.
2. In case of potential death if no refund
I like my stuff to be as flexible and enjoyable and fun as possible, so I'll still try my best to make something happen. Drop me a line at and we'll see what we can do.
Update of the Refund Policy
This policy may get an update from time to time, so you may want to check it once in a while.